GIVFOZAY: Automatic Mouthwash Dispenser

This Automatic Mouthwash Dispenser has 3 settings for dispensing liquids 10 / 20 / 30 ml (in ounces that is .34 / .7 / 1 ). It works via magnetic induction, when the dispenser senses that a magnetic cup is placed under the outlet, it will automatically pour to the level you selected. This does so in a controlled manor with no splashing or waste!
The cups hang under it via magnets, this keeps them easily accessible, as well as able to drip dry! When you take a cup off and place it under the dispenser outlet it will snap into place with the magnets and automatically start to dispense to the level you selected. You do not need to hit any buttons each time you use it, it remembers how much you had selected before.
It has a large rechargeable battery that charges via a normal USB-C cord. So far in using this I have not had to charge it in over 2 months. The mounting bracket it comes with can be screwed to a wall, or like me used double sides foam tape to stick it up. It is then easy to remove to change it or clean it.

Now for the fun stuff! This can be used for more than just mouthwash! Some ideas include....

  • Whiskey
  • Vodka
  • Gin
  • Rum
  • Wine
  • Mixers
  • And many other endless options! I would worry though about very sticky options.

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